Leadership Team & Staff


Senior Pastor:
Andrew Marquet

Andrew is passionate about the pursuit of Jesus; believing Christians are those who are on the journey to both becoming more like Christ and building deeper relationship with Him.

He comes into this position with a background in youth and Christian ministry.

Andrew and his wife, Ella, spent some formative time on the mission field with Heidi and Rolland Baker's Iris ministries. They have four children.

Hebrews 12:2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith.


Beach Kids:
Maryke Goggin

Maryke is the Beach Kids Ministry Leader and runs the kids church which caters for 3-13 yrs.

Maryke believes learning about Jesus should be fun and relevant! She is passionate about the Holy Spirit and getting kids activated in the gifts.

Contact Maryke on Maryke@beachchurch.org.nz


Beach Youth:
We are hiring!

We are hiring a Youth Worker or Leader to come lead the vision and journey with our rangatahi at Raumati Beach Church.

Qualifications helpful, but not necessary.

Contact our Pastor Andrew on 0220834795 or email andrew@beachchurch.org.nz to have a chat if you are interested in this position.

Find out more on our Youth page.


Wendy Lee

Wendy is Beach Church’s administrator and is here to make sure everything is communicated well, looks good and runs smoothly.

Wendy has called Raumati Beach Church her church home and family since 2023. She is an American who has come to love New Zealand and is proud to call it home. Wendy is married to a Kiwi and they love serving God and being a part of Beach Church.

You can reach Wendy at office@beachchurch.org.nz